Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Policing has affected a Nation not Just a Race Essay

Throughout the interview process I was able to understand and gain an adequate perception of how others felt about law enforcement here in the United States. I found that many answers were universal and were not only the views of one particular race. Law enforcement is set in place to up hold the laws and to protect and serve the people of the United States. However, I found that a few of my interviewees felt that law enforcement was biased and were not for all people. The interviewing process was very interesting and being able to listen to the participants’ responses was very enlightening. No two people had the same perception however, there were many concerns that were similar. My first interview was conducted on an African American woman. She is 75 years old and is originally from Saint Joseph, Louisiana. However, she is a widower and all of her children have passed on. She moved here to Houston Texas in 1960 with the husband and two children. Where they have resided in th e area of Houston known as Fifth Ward for over 54 years. She has spoken about how growing up in Louisiana as a black child was horrible, and how they were taught to avoid the police by all means. The town of Saint Joseph was a very small town, and it was divided by color. Yes my interviewee grew up during segregation, and she recalls that the police were not for the blacks. She recalls classmates being beaten by the police and nothing never being done about the fact that they were beaten for nothing. She spoke of the time when her sister worked for a white family and was raped by the man of the house. Her sister and family could not report such a crime because they feared that it would bring trouble to their entire family. She states that she has no respect for law enforcement, however she states that she never breaks the laws of the land. Obeying the law is her way of staying out of jail and feels as long as she abides the law she is quite alright. During her interview I found her having many stories to tell in regards to how black life has no value, and how she has never seen the law truly work for the African American. Her responses to the  questions left her stumbled sometime, and I found myself finding ways to inform her that law enforcement ha s made great changes since she was a child. I could understand but I was unable to relate because my experience with law enforcement has never been to the extent of hers. I did find it quite interesting when she was asked the question about domestic violence. Her response was, â€Å"I never heard of husband’s hitting their wives and if they did that was not something for the world to know†. She stated that, â€Å"You knew that what went on in your home stayed in your home†. I was shocked and somewhat appalled at her response. Her body language and her tone let me know that she was indeed serious about keeping affairs in the home. She believed that women who were hit must have done something pretty bad to make her husband hit her. I still found myself puzzled by her response. Although during the second interview when asked this very same question. She elaborated about an incident with her cousin who was caught cheating and her husband did abuse her. She inclined to say that, â€Å"You just do not do things in such a manner and not expect such behaviors†. I could understand where she was coming from, but I was not able to agree with a man or a woman hitting their mate. This 76 year old black women was still stuck in the era of when she was a child and very young adult. She felt that law enforcement would never been positioned to serve or protect African Americans, and that the only reason they have allowed blacks to become police officers was because it would not matter if another black man was killed. In her opinion there is no hope for the African American people here in the United States and that it is just a bunch of boloney in the world in which we live. However she did feel that the use of DNA was the greatest thing that could have come along. With a strong understanding that the use of DNA can help to solve crimes and maybe even help from crimes being committed. She believes that if they find a killer this way people may think twice before actually think twice before committing murder. Her wish is that law enforcement stop perceiving and believing that all black people are  criminals. My next interviewee is a Caucasian women and she is 41 years old. She is married and is the mother of three children. She is a fulltime student at the University of Houston-Downtown and she will be graduating in December. She is a Houston native and she grew up near Bellaire. Her and her family now reside in the historical area of the Heights. This too was a very interesting interview, simply because she was truly involved with the questions and she gave a statement as to why she felt the way she did with the answers she gave. Her answer in regards to domestic violence she felt that there are three sides to a story and that both parties should give their side. Then allow the police to determine if the call and the situation requires law enforcement to detain anyone. Her thoughts on how the police perceived citizens was very mind blowing, and she felt that it was not just minorities that were targeted by law enforcement. However she does feel that police are power hungry, bias, hardworking and underpaid, and this only adds stress. Stress can factor in how law enforcement responds and reacts to certain situations when performing their job without allowing race and location to blind their actually duty to the citizens. As stated early she feels that every citizens is scrutinized by law enforcement, and she feels that law enforcement tends to the jump the gun before completely assessing the situation. Being a mother of three she found what it felt like when her son was stopped and harassed by the police for no particular reason. She believes these acts are the very reason that the younger generation shows no respect for law enforcement. However she does feel that reaching out to high schools would be a proactive in the process of recruiting new offi cers. She also feels that there she be additional training included for those citizens with mental illness. Those trainings will help to keep the citizens and the officers out of harm’s way. I will now move on to my third participant who is a 46 year old African American woman who has recently divorced and has no children. She is originally from East Oakland, California and has been in Houston for 5 years. Returning back home is the plan in the five years. She has dealt with the police on a regular occasions due to her ex-husband being  incarcerated for ten years. Her answers were just as interesting as my second participant, and her answers were very colorful. I want to just note that her lifestyle was one that was accustomed to glitz and glam due to the fact that her ex-husband was a drug dealer. She recalls the time that law enforcement ran into her home and threw her on the floor and she stated talked to her like she was an actual dog. Not allowing her to speak, handcuffed her, and she was thrown in the back of a police car. She says that she was held for questioning for 2 days, and even with her ex-husband stating that she had nothing to do with his dealings. They keep her and continued to question her asking the same questions over and over. However she does not hate law enforcement and she believes that this very incident opened her eyes to a different type of guy she would ha ve. She feels that most part traditional policing strategies have been effective in combating crime, however police use excessive force when utilizing discretion in dealing with citizens sometimes. Recalling an incident that was made into a movie named â€Å"Fruitvale† was based on a true story and was right down the street from which she grew up. She believes that the police in East Oakland are very aggressive and are trigger happy. She feels that law enforcement here in Houston are not as aggressive with law enforcement back home in California. She does feel that in certain areas of town here in Houston. This participant would like to see a substantial increase of specialized training in the mental illness area, sign language for the hearing impaired and subtle prejudice courses for those law enforcement officers who are hiding behind their badge. Police officers are receiving adequate training as for as the physical requirements. To be well rounded you have to have some since of street smarts and able to deal with people from all walks of life. She agrees with every current method of police recruitment, selection, and training of officers, except the minimum age requirement for some law enforcement agencies. She had some personal views on domestic violence seeing that she was a domestic violence survivor. She does believe that women should be arrested for domestic violence, however she feels there is an exception if the woman is trying to defend herself. My fourth participant is 43 year old African American male and he is married with no kids. Had no run in with the law until he mad e 40 years old. His brushes with law came from driving while intoxicated and carrying a handgun. He was  able to have the handgun case dismissed, because he actually had his handgun concealed. However he is on probation for driving while intoxicated. He has lived in Houston his entire life and has very biased views about law enforcement. In his younger days he was a part of a gang and was what he refers to as a thug and drug dealer. He took pride in his past and stated that had he not have met his wife he would probably still be running the streets. I also found that he is a male chauvinist and has some harsh views on domestic violence. When asked about domestic violence he stated that a women should know her place and that the man is head of his home. He feels that as long as a woman is submissive and keeps her husband happy they should not have any problems. He does not feel that a wife should not call the police on her husband and that they should keep what goes on in their home. Being a woman that has experienced domestic violence I got off of subject and asked him why such harsh feelings about domestic violence. He stated that his step father was abusive and his mother stayed. She never called the police on him and over time the abuse stopped. They were pretty happy before his step father passed, and being the grandson of a pastor he feels that bible is key to keeping a happy home. When asked about how the police perceived citizens, he automatically stated that African Americans have no chance with the Houston police department. Growing up in the northeast intercity area of Houston he says he has seen police brutality on a regular. The police were not there to help black people is what he stated. He said the only way the police were on your side was if you had enough money to pay them. They do not fight crime and they are a part of the crimes that are committed. Biased and unethical are his choice words about law enforcement. Still today in 2013 ones race and ethnicity affects how police treat you. Blacks are treated as the criminal and Whites are treated as the innocent bystanders. He feels that police are a threat to minorities and there should be training to new officers so that they do not allow their personal views to interfere with their ability to protect and serve all citizens. He express the fact that the police have no understanding or training when it comes to dealing with the mentally ill, and feels they have no problem with shooting them. Extensive training should be given yearly, and maybe even some classes should be required to be able to realize that there may be some mental illness when dealing with certain individuals. I  want to be honest and inform you that I was not able to complete a second interview with this participant and I was able to find a fifth participant. Now my last participant is 35 year old African American women who is married with three children and is a fulltime student at the University of Houston. She is a Psychology major and will be graduating in May of 2014. She is native Houstonian and grew up in the fifth ward area. Having a daughter in the military has opened her eyes for all those that protect and serve. She is also the daughter of a preacher. She believes that females have more help now to escape an abusive home in a peaceful and confidential manner. However she feels in some cases determining the difference between minor and serious acts of domestic violence are ignored by officers that arrive on the scene. Understanding the frustration when officers deal with mentally ill people because many officers have died trying to help but in many cases officers are there to get them the help they need so yes they do respond appropriately. DNA is vital in most convictions because it can be used to clear suspects and exonerate persons mistakenly accused or convicted of crimes. She believes that laws are put in place to protect not only the citizens but those that are uniformed to do so. When asked about the current methods of recruiting she respond. The current method for recruiting officers is pretty good but as in any field how can you really predict or screen if you have a ‘bad’ or â€Å"good† officer as a candidate despite all the requirements including background and psychological information revealed. She felt that the only inadequate problem of training is the mental state of many of the officers. In the area of training she believes that all officers need to be trained on how to deal with other races and they need to be taught social skills within various cultures. Maybe this will help them erase preconceived notions and ideas of others that are not a part of their ethnic group. There are way too many cases involving officers and issues with minorities, stereotyping, racial profiling, brutality, injustice and racism, many officer perceptions is very negative when it comes to certain ethnicities. There has to be a stamp on the bias that affects the way minorities are treated when dealing with law enforcement. All of the participants were very strong about their views based on personal or others experiences with law enforcement. Listening to their answers and their stories opened my eyes, and allowed me to feel how they truly felt. However  I wondered did any of my participants understand that many officers may have the same opinion about the citizens that they protect and serve. Many men and women that are in law enforcement fear for their lives every day. I understand that some law enforcement officers are biased, however I feel that some of that may extend from personal experiences as well. Maybe there could be some common ground for both parties, and there should be a communal outreach to bring back community involvement.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Brief History of Istanbul Essay

Evidences obtained from archaeological remains indicate that people began to inhabit the proximities of contemporary Istanbul for approximately thousands of years ago. At about 5000 B. C. , a thick and sprawling population of individuals inhabited the fertile grounds of Istanbul. The Greek people all the way from Megara and Miletus started to rest upon the soils situated along the coasts of the Black Sea as well as the Bosporus back in the latter years of eight century B. C. The year 660 B. C. witnessed the colonization of Byzantium by Byzas, the founder of the colony whose origins trace to Megarian roots. As expected, the name of the colony was patterned after his name. Due to the strategic location of Byzantium, it easily gained dominance over the region in terms of economy which eventually led to the attention of numerous would-be conquerors. Along the path of the Golden Horn, Byzantium was founded which bestowed it with the most suitable harbour all-over the region. The agricultural prosperity of Byzantium can be largely attributed to the abundance of fish as well as the surrounding countryside which was fertile enough to support plants for agriculture. Next to Byzantium, a safe harbour was efficiently provided for by the inlet of the Golden Horn which was near Bosporus. This area was considered as a major maritime route back in those times as it linked the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea. Byzantium eventually found itself struggling amidst the powers trying to conquer and dominate over the city—Persians, Greeks, Spartans and Athenians all drew their swords and took away lives for the sake of taking the city under their control. Such was the major importance of Byzantium during those times where its prosperity was seemingly beyond imagination. Even the Gauls attacked the city during the third century and in 202 B. C. the city sought the help and protection from Rome after being taken over by Macedonians. Eventually, the city was absorbed as a vital part of the Roman empire back in 73 B. C. During 196 A. D. , the city was caught on the wrong side after the creation of a power struggle in the Roman empire. As economically powerful as Byzantium may seem, it was not able to respond and resist the struggle which eventually trickled down the capabilities of the cities as it paid dearly. A large number of the residents were murdered as well as a significant portion of Byzantium was obliterated through the leadership of the Roman emperor Septimus Severus. Apparently, the Rman emperor had to rebuild the entire city starting off with the ruins as the wake of the power struggle. In the process, Byzantium was able to manage itself and continue to progress amidst threats and occurrences of civil wars as well as rebellions which smothered all-over the Roman empire through the many years to follow. However, Constantine I routed his foe, emperor Licinius, on September 18, 324. Constantine I was able to unify the broad territory of the Roman empire and made it follow his leadership. The Roman empire eventually made Byzantium as the prime capital of the region which extended to as far as three continents. Byzantium eventually gained a new name—Constantinople—after being briefly known as the New Rome named in honor of Constantine who was the first Roman ruler to embrace the doctrines of Christianity. During its time, Constantinople gained much reputation and wealth making it one of the world’s most economically advanced cities. The city was almost untouchable in status, having the power to dictate the doctrines of the Christian religion and to amass huge amounts of wealth up until the eleventh century. As the meeting points between the East and the West became largely attributed to Constantinople, it was no surprise that all roads were now focused on the wealthy city of Constantine. In 395 A. D. the whole of the Roman Empire was divided into the West and the East especially after the death of Theodosius. The Eastern Roman Empire adopted Constantinople as its central city or capital which was later referred to as the Byzantine Empire as a reminder of its brilliant past. Through the course of time, Constantinople further advanced as the core of the Greek Orthodox Christian realm. With its immense financial resources, the wealth of the Byzantine Empire gave it the capacity to transform Constantinople as a beautiful city far beyond compare. The splendour and majesty of Constantinople is perhaps owed to the well-paid architects who designed majestic churches and splendid palaces as well as artists and sculptors also contributed a large fraction of the city’s aesthetic transformation. One notable structure ever to be erected is the hippodrome which could hold more than a hundred thousand spectators. Eventually, the walls of the city were further built into a seemingly impenetrable protective layer as threats of invasion from rivalling forces never dwindled. Almost half million citizens inhabited Constantinople under the rule of Emperor Justinian from 527 to 565 A.  D. The Emperor took full control of the creation of some of Constantinople’s most majestic buildings which include the Haghia Sophia, one of the largest churches during the height of the prosperity of Constantinople. The Byzantine empire’s capital reached its full blom under the helm of Emperor Justinian. Even though Constantinople continued to supplement its wealthy advancement with protective measures, enemies from the outside were inevitably attracted to the splendour of the city. A few years after, the city was devastated with a plague in 542 A. D. which claimed the lives of three of every five citizens. This, unfortunately, brought the beginning of the city’s fall. As the city weakened in terms of its population both in size and strength, the enemies of Constantinople took the opportunity to besiege the city. Apparently, the enemies were unable to successfully conquer the city as the walls of Constantinople proved impenetrable. Attacks on the city mounted between the seventh and eleventh century A. D. which include forces from Persian Sassanids, Bulgars, Avars, Russians, and Muslim Arabs. At the time of the Fourth Crusade, the Latins were able to break the walls of Constantinople and captured the capital of the Byzantine Empire in 1204 A.  D until 1261 less than a century of captivity when the Byzantine forces reclaimed the capital. At the height of captivity, however, Constantinople was greatly diminished in terms of wealth and infrastructure as the invading forces plundered precious jewels and any other item they deemed were of sufficient value. The entire population diminished to half a hundred thousand during that time, and the citizens suffered greatly from famine. In 1396, the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople and built a fort on the Asian side of the Bosporus Sea in order to hinder aid from reaching the city. However, the capital would not fall for a few more years. On the 29th day of May, the Ottoman leader Mehmed was able to tear down the city walls and penetrate the city which ultimately signalled the fall of the era of Constantinople’s Christian church and the commencement of Muslim rule over the land. Apparently, the Muslims transformed the Haghia Sophia into a Muslim temple. In 1457, the capital of the Byzantine Empire was already known as Istanbul which later became the central point of the Ottoman Empire. Mehmed began to repopulate the city after the siege and within a few years time, Istanbul gained a considerable increase in population, roughly amounting to approximately 50,000 inhabitants. Ottoman Istanbul was able to achieve its peak during the reign of Suleyman the Magnificent, and perhaps the most notable buildings ever to be erected during those times, roughly amounting to 300 buildings, were the creations of chief architect Sinan. These efforts to restructure Ottoman Istanbul were significant as it signalled the dawning of a new Istanbul, one which is uniquely Ottoman in identity. Throughout time, Ottoman Istanbul opened its doors to the outside world in order to obtain a harmonious relationship with the other cities and states. This resulted to the expansion of the city’s population, now having a mixture of different races such as Jews, Christians, Armenians and other citizens. Influence on Ottoman Istanbul rule was apparently being influenced by many different forces from these races. Eventually, Istanbul became influenced with the modernization of the world. Europeans began to build a railroad system which connects the whole continent with Istanbul by the 1870s. As a result, the Ottoman empire became placed under the debt of European powers. These would later result to power struggles from within the empire, complicated all the more by the struggling influences from the Europeans to whom they were indebted with. In consequence, these developments in the Ottoman empire especially in Istanbul uring the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries would signal the downfall of the Ottoman empire and would mark the commencement of the Turkish Republic. Today, Istanbul remains as a fervent reminder of how a city once so powerful became so absorbed into the desire for power which led to its own subjugation and diminishment of power in the following years.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Analysis - Research Paper Example According to Bruce (2011), Wal-Mart is given the top ranking in terms of the total sales that are made by the store alone. The retail offers variety of products that comprise of family apparel, electronics, household needs, electronics, fabrics, jewellery, shoes, crafts, health and beauty products and lawn and garden accessories along with pharmacy store, Photo processing centre and Tire and Lube Express (Walmart Stores, 2012). Wal-Mart is operating in four retail divisions that are called as Sam’s Club warehouses, neighborhood markets, Super centres and Wal-Mart stores. Wal-Mart stores and Super centres are one-stop shopping centres for the families; Sam’s Club in the members only club for warehouse purposes and neighborhood markets offer convenience shopping to the customers for general merchandise, groceries and pharmaceutical companies (Basker, 2007). Currently, Wal-Mart has about 10,185 stores and also location of clubs in almost twenty-seven countries; it is emplo ying more than 2.2 million people who are serving approximately 176 million numbers of customers every year (Walmart Stores, 2012). ... Advancements in information technology have helped the store to ensure that inventory level is properly maintained (Freeman, 2006). Investing in Wal-Mart: A good choice or not? Before making a final decision about investing in Wal-Mart for a mutual fund, it is important to look at the SWOT Analysis of the company. Strengths Wal-Mart has a strong powerful brand name in the market especially in the retail industry. It offers value for money, convenience of shopping from one place and diverse range of products at one place (Bruce, 2011). The growth of the store has been at an exponential rate and it has become a global brand. Wal-Mart has the strongest logistics system even at the international level; hence, the procurement of Wal-Mart is excellent and it gives it a core competence in using IT for supporting its logistics system. It has talented people and Human Resource department has a focused strategy for the training and development of all the employees working for Wal-Mart; hence, the workforce of the store is competent and loyal (Jenna, 2012). Weaknesses: Since Wal-Mart has become global and it has a huge span of control, so controlling such a huge empire becomes difficult for the management. The retail store might lack flexibility as compared to its competitors as it is selling products across various sectors such as food, stationary, clothing and etc. Although, the store has become global but it does not have a strong presence worldwide (Elkins, 2005). Opportunities Wal-Mart can merge or form strategic alliances with some well-reputed retailers at a global level that focus on specific markets such as Greater China or Europe region. In the countries, the stores are present as trade in only and have many opportunities for

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Article review - Essay Example All these machines are used for surveillance, tracking and identification purposes. They offer many benefits from efficiency to speed to strong analytical power. However, they continue to sacrifice more on the right to privacy. This paper discuses the issue of privacy verses individual safety. The patriotic act is an act that is supposed to protect innocent American citizens from terrorist attacks. It gives the law enforcement agencies all the power necessary to use any means and tools at their disposal to investigate drug trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime. This act gives the law the right to use surveillance in their investigation against terrorism This act also give different government agencies to share among themselves pertinent and relevant information (Bennett, 2007). Under this act, and the bank secrecy act, the FBI and special agents from IRS are allowed to access information from the records of financial institutions to investigate and monitor any activities that s eem suspicious without alerting the financial institution (David, 2009). Many argue that public surveillance help in the solving of crimes committed, and this they say is far much valuable than the intrusion by the government. Senior citizens tend to support the governments move in public surveillance (Locker, 2008). ... This surveillance does not take place in the open but takes place in private with no or little oversight by the courts by the public or the congress. Through this power, to collect massive details of private conversations and data, the government security agencies like the FBU and the NSA apply the use of computer programs to make predictions and likes about the behavior of people (Lyon & Zureik, 2006). The government is able to compile dossiers about innocent citizens though the use of sensitive data. This data is stored in government databases, and the names of many Americans end up inaccurate and bloated in the watch lists, which determine if the individual can fly on commercial airlines or renew passports. Dragnet surveillance undermines individual rights to privacy and the freedom of speech, religion and association (Penenberg, 2001). The issue of privacy and surveillance has been a hot topic for debate in the media houses. The government and a large percentage of the citizens a re not on the same terms when it comes to this issue. The government argues that it is its duty to protect the citizens of the country against any threat, be it domestic or foreign. The most effective means of ensuring that this duty is performed is through the use of surveillance to predict behaviors and notice communication patters that may lead to the averting of a terrorist attack of an incident that will infringe on individual security or the security of the nation at whole (Wright & Hert, 2012). Security has been increased at the airports due to the threat that this industry faces from terrorists. This industry has employed the use of new and the latest technology that include the use of biometric scanners. These are machines that are used for recognition purposes. They can

Love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Love - Essay Example It focuses on Clegg’s road towards recovery from cocaine and alcohol at the age of thirty four. Clegg decides to enter an inpatient facility to help him reclaim his career, apartment, his dear cat and a boyfriend to love. His road to recovery is full of pain with little glory. The theme of love in the memoir gets portrayed through the support that Clegg receives from the circle of those trying to recover from addiction (Clegg 22). Clegg remembers friends who supported him and saved his life as they tried to relate to him. It is through their encouragement that he never gave up. He explains the friendships he made while on his road to recovery as incomparable to others he had. The friendship he creates is on another level as he gets to share experiences that other people would not understand. Clegg also tells of his story of sobriety so he can get loved by the old and new family he finds (Clegg 48). ‘This is our youth’ is a play by Kenneth Lonergan. The play centers on two friends, Warren and Dennis. Both are college dropouts. Warren shows up at his Dennis’s apartment after having stole fifteen thousand dollars from his dad. Warren gets introduced to the complexities of human relationships about loyalty and betrayal by Dennis and his female companion, Jessica. The play portrays young love by the characters. The theme of love gets depicted by the relationship between Warren and Dennis. Warren hopelessly hero worships Dennis and follows him through the life of the party. Warren hooks up with Jessica while Dennis gets along with Valerie, his girlfriend. The love between the characters is young, free, wild and careless. Jessica and Warren have sex yet they do not have a long standing chemistry. Dennis is rude to her girlfriend on the phone yet he claims to love her. The characters are bound with a love that gets characterized by experimentation with drugs. ‘Sex without love’ is a poem by Sharon Old. In the poem, the poet tries to understand how

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Health Promotion Planning Background Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health Promotion Planning Background - Assignment Example romotion relate to a focus on upstream approaches, a focus on non-victim blaming approaches since as they show understanding of the influences of health and concentration on the evidence- based practice (McKenzie, Neiger & Thackeray, 2012). Besides this the roots include participation and empowerment of the people on health care, equity through acting fairly and proper distribution of facilities and ethical principles. Ethical principles refer to autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice in health administration. The seven areas of responsibility of health education specialists relate to asset needs, assets and capacity of health education, planning health education, implementing health education, conducting evaluation and research related to health education, administering and managing health education, serving as health education resource person and communicating and advocating for health education (McKenzie, Neiger & Thackeray, 2012). Among these areas, planning for health education, implementing health education and administering or managing health education are important for health educators and specialists. Planning effective health education programs ensure that potential participants for support are recruited, the logical scope for program is developed and measurable program objectives are drawn. Implementing health education programs is important as it ensures that the selected methods and media are suited to implement programs, monitoring and adjustments are made on activities and competence in carrying out programs is exhibited (McKenzie, Neiger & Thackeray, 2012). Administering or coordinating provision of health education services is an important area as it involves development of a plan, facilitation of cooperation among personnel , formulation of practical modes of collaboration among health agencies and organization of internal training

Friday, July 26, 2019

Big Data Challenged and Opportunities Assignment

Big Data Challenged and Opportunities - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that with big data, the problem of storage arises because of the fact that cloud storage has been seen vulnerable now to many security issues. With the data increasing day by day, it can be seen that people in the Information technology field are decreasing which causes an alarming situation to recruit talented people in the field. Information can be used for various positive purposes and scientific advancements can lead to the growth for a far better future. Where there are positive impacts and the world is moving towards a more digitalized form, there are drawbacks to the same thing which might lead to damage of both research and the society providing it falls into the wrong hands and is manipulated for the wrong purposes. The processing power and the storage capabilities of the technology for big data should be met with to improve understanding of nature. Big organizations have been using big data to gain advancements and lead the industry as compared to the other competitions in the industry. The aim to be the best at what they do, big data in industries is to be analyzed so that the big organizations can have an edge over all the other competitors in the same marketplace. Competition is what leads to growth and betterment. Striving for the best and maintaining the position is what keeps the companies moving forwards and progress in what they do. Analyzing big chunks of data not only gives out an upper hand as compared to the others but it also helps in making up strategies that are developed for the future working process and functioning of the organizational body. Having said that, the management system and lean management lead to the function of a more effective organizational body. It has become mandatory to develop future strategies on analytics and statistics of the company rather than by intuition.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Response Paper to Bagleys Shang Ritual Bronzes Essay

Response Paper to Bagleys Shang Ritual Bronzes - Essay Example According to the paper findings  the casting technique and materials used influenced the design of the models. For instance, casting the bronze rituals using clay, instead of metal, ensured that the decorations on the Shang bronze rituals were achieved while the technique used during casting was responsible for more features that are fundamental. The technique used consisted of using wax as the main material to cast the models. The wax was given the exact shape as the desired shape of the finished bronze. After the wax model, the casters created a mold around the model by packing clay around it and then melting out the wax to ensure that the core remained empty inside. In the empty inside, bronze was poured inside in the empty spaces with the mold of clay broke to reveal the final bronze model.  As the discussion stresses the clay molds also contributed to the design in different ways. Casters curved lines along the mold in order to provide the final product an aesthetic appeal. The technique, popularly known as the lost-wax technique, also produced different sections of a model after removing a mold in sections from the casting.  Metalworkers, in the Shang ritual bronzes, had considerable freedom in their artwork despite some various constraints. In regards to the artistic freedom that the enjoyed, the metalworkers had the freedom of experimenting in the casting method that they used to make the ritual bronzes, which explains the diverse methods used in casting the models.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How Convincing Is Porters Model of National Competitive Advantage in Essay - 5

How Convincing Is Porters Model of National Competitive Advantage in Explaining the Characteristics and Performance of the Business Systems of Major Economies - Essay Example The paper tells that international competitiveness of countries is an ever-growing concern for firms, governments as well as academic scholars. International competitiveness is one of the most misused and misunderstood terms in the press and academic literature of the modern world. According to Daniels, there is no consensus on how to measure, explain and predict international competitiveness of countries. The true meaning and understanding of the international competitiveness of countries have been the subject of much debate. Porter popularized the implicit assumption underlying the management theories that a firms competitiveness can be extended to a country’s competitiveness using his diamond framework and the world competitiveness reports. There are two schools of thought; the economic school and management school. The economic school ignores the notion of country competitiveness. However, the management school supports the concept of country competitiveness. To properly e xplain the differing views on international competitiveness by economists, a little background on the differing trade theories is required. The review of the trade theories will provide a platform for the analysis of Porter’s Diamond framework. Adams Smith theory of absolute advantage was the first theory that attempted to explain why countries engage freely in international trade. According to this theory; a state can enhance its prosperity if it limits itself into producing goods and services that the country has a higher absolute cost advantage over other countries. The country should also import those goods and services in which it has an absolute cost disadvantage.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Changing Global Economy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words - 1

The Changing Global Economy - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Economies of Scale in micro-economics are defined as cost advantage that an enterprise enjoys with increasing scale as the cost per unit of output generally declines. Operating efficiency is also increases with economies of scale. The biggest challenge against the free market is the fear among the citizens about outsourcing. This is getting very dangerous every day in the United States. Other nations if follow this trend then the world can enter into the black days of protectionism again. And the loss for the global economy will be huge. Every day United States news broadcasters are telecasting fearsome news that millions of high paying middle-class jobs are getting out of the country. Financial and technological firms are finding that they can outsource a work with a fraction of the cost from China, India or Malaysia rather than give it to an equally qualified United States employee. This put policy maker, a government in a stressful si tuation because United States citizens have already started their protest against outsourcing. That is the reason government now making policies that will prevent the outsourcing. According to Drezner, it is a publicity stunt done by the media to sell their news by scaring the citizens on their job. He also explained his ideas that American economy is a huge one with over 130millions jobs. And like when these jobs get out of the country at that time the equal number of job created in this country. This is called â€Å"Creative Destruction†. He explained that when a firm is outsourcing its jobs from another part of the world to minimize its cost, instead of pressing the alarm we need to calculate how many well paid and higher proportions jobs are creating for that reason. If we look at this profit and loss structure we never have to panic anymore. According to statistics during 2010 the number of jobs was shifted to developing nations are 220,000. These are all low paid and lo w-quality jobs but the numbers of high paid and high-quality job created in the United States are 22milions.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Reporting Practices and Ethics Essay Example for Free

Reporting Practices and Ethics Essay Introduction Reporting practices and ethical standards are the most important building blocks that are needed to build a successful health care organization or any business. These reporting practices and ethical standards prove to be the upmost important practices in any health care organization. When reviewing all the variables and factors, one considers the principals listed in the generally accepted accounting principles. There are several factors to consider and inforce these principles in an organization. To successfully implement generally accepted accounting principles and execute corporate compliance, an organization should consider in order for building a successful organization; ethics, fraud and abuse are all key components for maintaining a successful health care or business organization. A successful organization cannot be successful unless they integrate and implement the four elements for financial management. In order to implement and execute the four element of financial management for a successful organization, the four elements should be implemented and carried out in full on a daily basis for every procedure and operation within the organization. Controlling, planning, organizing, and decision making are the four components every business and/or health care organization should adopt. The four elements are the keys to every good business ethics and standards to maintain a successful organization. Four Elements of Financial Management The planning stage of the four elements of financial management proves this stage, is vital to set goals for a healthcare organization end to end with its execution of this stage and the other four elements. The next element of financial management is the controlling stage and in this important stage the organization must set goals for their organization and that each goal is executed and carried out. A perfect example of how an administrator /director/ manager in a healthcare organization can control their  organization is to conduct audits of the department they oversee. Decision making is defined as the overall performance of the other three elements and determination on wither or not the overall performance of the other elements. The success of this can be measured Decision making in conjunction with the other elements and the overall performance and success of other 3 elements ultimately determines decision making elements. Examples, if the organization exceeds the funds budgeted and find they are over budget, the decision making element comes in to play to review these items over budget and make an action plan to correct and/or prevent in the future. The four components are a vitally in financial management there are also other important principals and standards. The Generally accepted accounting principles and general financial ethical standards along with corporate compliance, ethics, or fraud and abuse are equally important separately and combined. The four functions of management help the facilities function properly and give the management the opportunity to resolve any issue or obstacle that may present as well as the opportunity to growth and make them better to perform and utilized the resources around them. Management is responsible for beginning the process for procedure or task at hand and sustaining the actual method of internal control that is set by the organization. It is important that management/ administrator/ director to oversee and maintain the budget control. The manager/admin/director overseeing the budget should be knowledgeable of how to control the budget and in order to maintain budget control, they should regulate to increase productivity and be familiar with assets, financial reporting and account summary. Every cooptation or health care organization is necessitate to meet the satisfactory operational needs, consequently cash management function helps any organization begin to create a set of policies and procedures to ensure that federal funds are not withdraw unreasonable from the organization and payments are made properly to the programs (Ethics and Compliances May 1994). According to Ethical Behavior by Companies Benefit Society and Business (November 13, 2010), when applying ethical business practices, says that business should ensure that the production of its services should be environmentally ecological and every human involve in the production should not be dangerous or harmful for them. Ethical practices involve the strong financial reporting as well as consideration  for the social and environmental impact of the business. Audit reports help the organizations know the financial condition of the organization for Health Care or any other business as well as the result of the organization’s day to day internal operations. Audits are helpful when following the practices of financial reporting practices of the organization can serve as a checks and balances and a great tool for capturing financial data, if management checks the financial audit reports often. Financial reports explain in detail how the organization is doing and prevents negative numbers on the company because it records any procedure and activity that happens in the organization (Ethics and Compliances. May 1994). According to American College of Physicians (Snyder. 2012), the environment for the delivery of health care continues to change. Sites of care are shifting, with more care provided in ambulatory settings while the intensity of inpatient care increases. Generally Accepted Accounting Principals â€Å"The phrase â€Å"generally accepted accounting principles† is a technical account term that encompasses the conventions, rules, and procedures necessary to define accepted accounting practice at a particular time. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are concerned with the measurement of economic activity, the timed when such measurements are to be made and recorded, the disclosures surrounding this activity, and the preparation and presentation of summarized economic information in the form of financial statements (Bragg, 2012). Generally accepted accounting principles also known as GAAP to understand the definition better, GAAP are guidelines that one should follow when trying to establish proper financial documents and reports. With these guidelines to follow, it was easier to maintain the financial reporting’s for all fields, including healthcare. The generally accepted accounting principles were held in the highest regard. The guidelines of the GAAP have had a high authority when it came to determining financial practices in healthcare. The GAAP influence has dwindled if not stopped. It was stated that it was not required for hospitals, nursing homes or any kind of healthcare facility to adhere to the GAAP (Taebel 1995). It has been documented that the guidelines of the GAAP has caused facilities to lose money, even though they knew what was best about recognizing costs. It has  been suggested that is not required to make decisions based off of the general accepted accounting principles. Capital costs are reimbursed according to a prospective payment system; providers are being paid a predetermined amount regardless of GAAP issues (Taebel, 1995). Conclusion There are countless of different ways that we can touch bases on to understand the importance of a cohesive financial department. It is essential to its success to be ethically compliant and to follow through with policy and procedure. It is up to the financial managers to execute and enforce proper guidelines. In conclusion, there are four elements of the financial structure that is the basis for a financial departments success which are planning, controlling, organizing and decision making. With this information we were able to understand and summarize more in depth the importance of generally accepted accounting principles and general financial ethical standards. Finally, we were able to view examples in those respecting terms and gain understanding from them. By compiling all of these elements together can guarantee a solid financial department in any healthcare facility. References American College of Physicians (2010) Ethics in Practice: Managed Care and the Changing Health Care Environment. Retrieved 11/13/2010 from Bragg, Steven M. Wiley GAAP 2012: Interpretation and Application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (10th Edition). Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley Sons, 2011. ProQuest ebrary. Web1 May 2015. Ethics and Compliances Retrieved 11/13/2010 from (May 1994) Snyder L, for the American College of Physicians Ethics, Professionalism, and Human Rights Committee. American College of Physicians Ethics Manual: Sixth Edition. Ann Intern Med. 2012;156:73-104. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-156-1-201201031-00001 Taebel, S.W. (1995, October). Supreme Court ruling reduces GAAPs authority in Medicare cases. Healthcare Financial Management, 49(10)

Character Analysis of Connie Essay Example for Free

Character Analysis of Connie Essay Then one day her family leaves her alone and she notices the boy in the car comes to her house and she finds out that he seems to know everything about her. He demands that Connie come to him and in then th story ends as Connie walks out the house toward the mysterious boy. Connie is sexually active, scared, and deceitful. Connie is sexually active. Oates states how Connie knows she is beautiful and she gets a great deal of attention from boys. Connie knows she is gorgeous, so when she goes out, she shows off her body more. When Connie meets the older boy in the resturant, she spends hours with him, and they went in an abandoned alley. Connie often states that she believes sex is a beautiful and fun feeling. Going with this stranger Connie has just met for hours implies she is sexually active in some way. What Oates is trying to say about young girls in general is that by showing off their bodies and meeting with older boys, sex will be pressured onto them. More young females will want to become more sexually active by assuming sex is all good and fun. Connie is scared. Connie does not seem to be afraid of anything. However, once this stranger appears at her house, she becomes a bit more frightened. Connie was always used to doing what she wanted with whomever she wanted. Along came Arnold, who commanded her to come to him and do things with him. Suddenly, Connie does not have the choice anymore. He threatens to harm her family so she is scared and cannot bring herself to even call for help. What Oates is trying to say about being scared is that one will not be scared until the option of deciding for ones self gets taken away. Connie is deceitful. Connies mother often degrades Connie for being vain. Her mother does this because she is worried about Connie and knows Connie gets a great deal of attention from males. Connies mother knows what can happen to her if she does not start being careful. Connie still goes out grabbing the attention of boys even though her mother says otherwise. What Oates is trying to say is that children should always listen to their parents, or they may end up in danger. Oates tries to get the reader to understand that parents have been through it all, and children should learn to listen more. In the short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Oates shows that Connie is sexually active. She is sexually active because she shows off her body and is curious about sex. Connie is scared because she had no choice in what she wanted to do. Connie is deceitful because she did not care or listen to her mother.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Malnutrition and Nutrition Programs in Malaysia

Malnutrition and Nutrition Programs in Malaysia Contents (Jump to) CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: BURDEN OF MALNUTRITION IN MALAYSIA CHAPTER 3: CURRENT MALNUTRITION INTERVENTION PROGRAMMES-The aims, strategy and evaluation 3.1 Breastfeeding program 3.2 Rehabilitation Program for Malnourished Children 3.3 Other Main Nutrition Intervention Programs CHAPTER 4: DISCUSSION To compare with the developed countries CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION CHAPTER 7: REFERRENCE CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION Malnutrition in all its forms is defined as all forms of poor nutrition. It relates to imbalances in energy, and specific macro and micronutrients- as well as in dietary patterns. Conventionally, the emphasis has been in relation to inadequacy, but it also applies to excess intake or inappropriate dietary patterns. It is a wide term commonly used as alternative to under-nutrition but technically it also refers over-nutrition. Child malnutrition was associated with 54% of child death (10.8 million children) in developing countries in 2001, although is it rarely the direct cause of death. Undernutrition is the direct result of inadequate dietary intake, the presence of disease, or the interaction of these two factors. The risk of dying from a disease as twice as high for mildly malnourished children, 5 times as high for those moderately malnourished and 8 times greater for children classified as severe malnourished when compared to normal children (UNICEF 1996). Underlying causes for malnutrition are varied. Infections among children, including helminthiasis can contribute to malnutrition, manifested as anaemia, stunting and/or impaired childhood development. Recurrent sickness and diarrhoea among infants who are not breastfed can result in malnutrition and eventually impact their normal growth and development. Tuberculosis among young people and adults is linked to poor nutrition. On the other hand, dietary patterns are shifting from traditional diets to diets in which predominantly processed foods are consumed. These foods are of limited nutritional quality, in many cases rich in saturated fats, sugar and salt. While the burden of undernutrition among children and chronic energy deficiency (CED) in adults continue to be major nutritional concerns in many parts of Asia, the burden of overweight and obesity is becoming increasingly widespread in the region (Khor 2008). Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal and excessive fat accumulation that present a risk of health. They are associated with non-communicable diseases such as stroke, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and certain form of cancer. Apart from that, recent research showed that undernutrition during early life can later lead to overweight or obesity by prompting energy conservation mechanism in the body that can persist into adulthood. Severe nutritional deprivation in fetal and early post-natal period followed by a rapid catch-up growth in early childhood is now known to increase the risk of overweight and obesity (Florentino 2014). WHO (2008) estimates more than 1.4 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight which over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. Overall, more than 10% of the world’s adult population was obese. The global prevalence of overweight and obesity in children aged five to 19 years is 10% (Kipping et al. 2008). It was also reported that worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity in preschool children increased from 4.2% in 1990 to 6.7% in 2010 and the prevalence in Asia is 4.9%, with the number of affected children was about 18 million and this trend is expec ted to reach 9.1%, or 60 million, in 2020 (Onis et al. 2010). CHAPTER 2: BURDEN OF MALNUTRITION IN MALAYSIA From the period before and after several years of independence, Malaysia was an underdeveloped country with high rate of poverty and hunger. Poverty is closely associated with limited access to healthy food and poor access to health care leading to problems such as undernutrition and other related illnesses. Recent National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) IV has revealed that the prevalence of underweight and wasting for children aged below 18 years is 16.1 and 17.8% respectively and it was reported 6.1% children were obese. Study by Poh et al. (2013) among children 6 months to 12 years showed that the prevalence of overweight (9 ·8 %) and obesity (11 ·8 %) was higher than that of thinness (5 ·4 %) and stunting (8 ·4 %). It would appear that the results of the NHMS 2011 indicated a higher prevalence of undernutrition than that of overnutrition, while Poh et al. (2013) reported the opposite was true. It may be due to different cut-off point as NHMS using CDC (2000) while Poh et al. (2013) using WHO growth chart or could be due to the different sampling protocol. We can conclude that Malaysia still shows higher prevalence of undernutrition and at the same time increasing trend of overweight and obesity. Developing countries including Malaysia are in a state of rapid economic transition as a result of generally improving incomes, increasing industrialization, urbanization and globalization. This has given rise to changing lifestyle and diet from one with high level physical of activity and diets based mostly on plant food, to one with higher level of sedentary lifestyle and diet of increasing energy based such as high carbohydrate, high sugar and high in fat. The excess energy from these foods may affect adult and children within the family differently. For instance, young children may easily use up the excess energy and still be underweight while adults may end up gaining weight. These changes in consumption and physical activity lead to rising prevalence of overweight and obesity especially in adults consequently increasing in NCD. The changes in socio-economic developments over the years in Malaysia have brought an improvement in the overall nutritional status of the country. However, pockets of malnutrition still exist, particularly among the rural areas. Therefore, Malaysia now has to face double burden of malnutrition (DBM) as the new trend emerge in. CHAPTER 3: CURRENT MALNUTRITION INTERVENTION PROGRAMMES-The aims, strategy and evaluation The aim of nutrition program is to plan, implement and develop nutrition services to achieve and maintain the nutritional well-being of the population and promote healthy eating practices. The program aims to monitor and evaluate the nutritional status of Malaysian population and assist in nutritional surveillance. It also to plan, implement and evaluate the nutrition health programs, activities and promotion. Nutrition interventions to improve the nutritional well-being of the Malaysian population have been implemented by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with other ministries. The programs and activities that have been carried out include alleviation of macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies, nutrition promotion and improving household food security. 3.1 Breastfeeding program Malaysia has outlined a few strategies in order to combat malnutrition in children and adolescents. It starts from birth of the baby by promoting exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age as according to National Breastfeeding Policy. The aim is to ensure the baby get the benefits and nutrient from breast milk. Study shows that breastfeeding is protective against infections and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and this effect is stronger when breastfeeding is exclusive (Fern R. Hauck 2011). In 1993, the Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia adopted the WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI). This initiative aims to increase breastfeeding among all women in Malaysia in line with the WHO recommendation of at least six months of exclusive breastfeeding, to empower women to make right choices on feeding their babies and to create conducive conditions in hospital and thereafter for women who wish to breastfeed. In addition, MOH initiated Baby Friendly Clinic project in 2006 targeting health clinics and rural clinics in Malaysia. It aims to encourage mothers to breastfeed their babies exclusively from birth up to the first six months and continue until two years old. Study by Tan (2011) showed the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers with infants aged between one and six months was 43.1% (95% CI: 39.4, 46.8). Prevalence of timely initiation was 63.7% (CI: 61.4 65.9) and the continued prevalence of breastfeeding up to two years was 37.4% (CI: 32.9 42.2) (Fatimah Jr et al. 2010). The findings suggest that the programmes implemented in the last ten years were effective in improving the prevalence of ever breastfeeding, timely initiation of breastfeeding and continued breastfeeding up to two years 3.2 Rehabilitation Program for Malnourished Children The main macronutrient deficiency problem among Malaysian children is protein and energy malnutrition. This is manifested in children of being underweight for their age. Rehabilitation Program for Malnourished Children, better known as â€Å"Food Basket Program† has been started by Ministry of Health in 1989 as an effort government to increase the health and nutritional status among children under 6 years old (Ministry of Health 2009). In these program children that fulfilled the criteria will be given â€Å"food basket† to help them have a balanced and nutritious diet so that they could have optimum physical and mental growth. The children were also given close attention and appropriate treatment on any sickness, health education and proper health care. The criteria for eligibility are children aged between 6 months to 6 years old who are severe underweight (weight-for-age less than -3SD of the median) or moderate underweight (weight-for-age between -2SD and -3SD) and from hardcore poor families (household income less than RM430 or RM110 per capita for Peninsular Malaysia; less than RM540 or RM115 per capita for Sabah and less than RM520 or RM115 per capita for Sarawak). The objectives of the programme are to improve health and nutritional status through food and micronutrient supplementation, to improve health through provision of sanitary facilities and clean water supply and to improve health through providing education on health and nutrition. They are given foods and multivitamin supplement every month until they are recovered, with the minimum period if six months of supplements. The basic food items include rice, wheat flour, anchovies, cooking oil, dry green bean, biscuits and full cream milk. These food supply approximately 102% to 140% of the child’s Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for calorie and 204% to 222% RDA for protein. There were 13 choices of food basket available to qualified children for an estimated price of RM150 for each basket. The number of recipient for this programme has decreased since it began, from 12,690 children in 1989 to 5157 in 2009 (Ministry of Health 2011). In 2010, under the National Key Results Areas (NKRA), this programme was extended to the poor and vulnerable poor family (household income less than RM2000 a month) through the 1Azam Programme. Meanwhile, in 2012, under the Government Transformation Programme, this programme was also extended to the natives in Perak, Pahang and Kelantan through the Community Feeding Programme (PCF) and the provision of food baskets (PEMANDU 2012). 3.3 Other Main Nutrition Intervention Programs Full cream milk powder is distributed through the Maternal and Child Health Clinics to underweight children aged 6 months to 7 years, pregnant women who have not gained adequate weight, and low income lactating mothers with multiple births. One kg of milk powder for each underweight child is given per month for 3 consecutive months, after which each case is reviewed and supplementation is continued if necessary. The School Supplementary Feeding Program (SSFP) of the Ministry of Education provides a free meal to primary schoolchildren from poor families. Each meal is estimated to provide one-quarter to one-third of the recommended daily allowances (RDA) for energy and protein. The main objective of SSFP is to improve the health and nutritional status of children, especially those from the rural areas, through a provision of a wholesome and balanced meal. Other objectives are to improve health and food habits and to prevent the occurrence of malnutrition among school children, to educate children on food selection, to encourage the participation of parents, teachers and public in the welfare of the school and to strengthen health and nutrition programs in schools. The Ministry of Education also provides milk in 200-mL packages to primary schoolchildren. The School Milk Programme (SMP) runs simultaneously with the Supplementary Food Scheme. The programme is targeted for poor students whose family income is below the poverty level. Besides, to ensure students receive a well-balanced diet in school, the programme is also aimed at increasing the quality of health and nutritional value of food for primary students for better physical growth, mental health and general well-being. The SMP also encourages students to consume milk early in their life. In 2010, this programme has been rebranded to 1Malaysia Milk Programme. CHAPTER 4: DISCUSSION Many developed and developing countries showing reducing trend of undernutrition but increasing trend of overweight and obesity. However, rising in overweight is not necessarily associated with a fall of underweight or stunting. Developed countries mainly facing overnutrition problems and the focus of nutritional programme is to combat overweight and obesity especially among children as it becoming one of the most significant challenges in public health. However, in most developing countries especially in Malaysia, we can still see higher prevalence of underweight and stunting especially among children but with gradual decreasing trend. With the ongoing socio-economic transition in Malaysia, accompanied by the demographic and health transition and changing food supply and consumption patterns, overweight and obesity especially among adult and adolescent has becoming a public health epidemic. Increasing trend of obesity among adult and with high prevalence of underweight among children gives rise to DBM phenomenon and this phenomenon affects many developing countries. The co-existence of under and overnutrition not only occurred within the country as a whole, but also within households. Study by Ihab et al. (2013) among sample in rural area found that the prevalence of overweight mother/underweight child (OWM/UWC) pairs was 29.6%, whereas the prevalence of normal weight mother/normal weight child (NWM/NWC) pairs was 15.2%. A household with an underweight child and an overweight or obese adult is the typical dual burden household for developing countries undergoing rapid transitions. This phenomenon will be a big challenge especially for food intervention programs to be implemented in the future. Undernutrition affects physical and mental health and performance throughout the lifespan, while overnutrition gives rise to an increasing rate of chronic diseases occurring at earlier and earlier ages. Though known interventions exist for undernutrition and overweight/obesity independently, clear, evidence-based recommendations for the prevention of DBM have not yet emerged. Thus, new and innovative strategies will be required to counter the rise of the DBM in Malaysia. Collaboration across sectors, accompanied by an effective coordination mechanism, should join the efforts of those within and outside the nutrition community to address the DBM. Improving country-level capacity to coordinate nutrition actions is critical. Countries with both child stunting and women’s obesity rarely implement comprehensive interventions, and in 2010 only one quarter of countries with the DBM had coordination mechanisms to address both problems (WHO 2013). Current nutrition interventional programmes should be continued and at the same time there is an urgent need to come out with new strategies to tackle both side of malnutrition. Country need to engage and coordinate new stakeholders, combining multi-sectoral and intersectoral approaches, including engaging private sector to address the complexity of issues related to the reduction of DBM. CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION The emergence of DBM is a relatively new phenomenon and is most prevalent in middle income countries including Malaysia. Low income countries and high income countries are less common to have DBM as low income countries tend to have higher prevalence of underweight while high income countries tend to have higher prevalence of overweight. In order to solve the newly emerging nutrition problems in a new context requires continuous and strong effort in health and nutrition promotion. This includes the need to find effective solution for childhood malnutrition with sustainable reduction in stunting, underweight and micronutrients deficiencies, along with measures to identified and control the obesity and overweight problems. CHAPTER 7: REFERRENCES Fatimah Jr, S., S. H. Siti, A. Tahir, I. M. Hussain F. Y. Ahmad 2010. Breastfeeding in Malaysia: Results of the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS III) 2006. Malaysian journal of nutrition 16(2): 195-206. Fern R. Hauck, J. M. D. T., Kawai o. Tanabe 2011. Breastfeeding and reduced risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: a Meta-analysis Paediatric 128(1): 103-110. Florentino, R. F. 2014. The Double Burden of Malnutrition in Asia: A Phenomenon Not to be Dismissed. Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 26(2): 133. Ihab, A. N., A. Rohana, W. W. Manan, W. W. Suriati, M. S. Zalilah A. Rusli 2013. The coexistence of dual form of malnutrition in a sample of rural Malaysia. International journal of preventive medicine 4(6): 690. Khor, G. L. 2008. Food-based approaches to combat the double burden among the poor: challenge in the Asian context. Asia Pacific Journal 17: 111-115. Kipping, R. R., R. Jago D. A. Lawlor. 2008. Obesity in children. Part 1: Epidemiology, measurement, risk factors, and screening Ed. 337. Ministry of Health 2009. Garis Panduan Program Pemulihan Kanak-kanak Kekurangan Zat Makanan. Ministry of Health 2011. Semakan Separa Penggal Pelan Tindakan Pemakanan Kebangsaan Malaysia 2006 2015. Onis, M. D., M. Blo ¨ssner E. Borghi 2010. Global prevalence and trends of overweight and obesity among preschool children. The Americal Journal of Clinical Nutrition 92(5): 1257-1264. PEMANDU 2012. Raising Living Standards of Low Income Households. Global Transformation Programme 2.0: 154 156. Poh, B. K., B. K. Ng, M. D. Siti Haslinda, S. Nik Shanita, J. E. Wong, S. B. Budin, A. T. Ruzita, L. O. Ng, I. Khouw A. K. Norimah 2013. Nutritional status and dietary intakes of children aged 6 months to 12 years: findings of the Nutrition Survey of Malaysian Children (SEANUTS Malaysia). British Journal of Nutrition 110(S3): S21-S35. Tan, K. L. 2011. Factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding among infants under six months of age in peninsular malaysia. Int Breastfeed J 6(2): 1-7. WHO. 2013. Global nutrition policy review: what does it take to scale up nutrition action?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Abraham Lincoln Essay -- biography bio biographies

Abraham Lincoln's effectiveness as president of the United States was so great that in all these years, and those before his time, no president has ever come close to equaling his achievements. Lincoln is known as a humble, honest man whose presidency irrevocably altered our society. He took office in a time of turmoil for our growing nation. During his administration he fought and won the bloodiest war in our history. Lincoln also passed through congress the most monumental piece of legislation for social change in our history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As social and economic differences plagued our nation, Lincoln sought above all else to preserve the Union. As the south seceded from the Union, became the Confederate States, and the Civil War began ‘Honest Abe' held onto his goal. With fighting resolve through the battles of Bull Run, Antietam, and Gettysburg Lincoln switched generals seeking the best leaders for his troops. He then appointed Ulysses S. Grant who led the Northern armies to victory and enabled President Lincoln to preserve the Union. If Lincoln had let the south go without a fight, lost the war, or taken advantage of the south's surrender, America as we now know it would not exist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On January 1st 1863 the Emancipation Proclamation was put into effect, freeing all slaves in the rebellious southern states. Lincoln wanted the United States to be viewed seriously by other nations and thought that slavery was primitive and wrong. With the Emancipation Proclamation he free...

Othello and Heroism Essay -- Othello essays

Othello and Heroism  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello the audience finds heroism exhibited not only by the hero, the Moor, but also by other characters in the drama.    A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   C. Bradley, in his book of literary criticism, Shakespearean Tragedy, defines a woman character, Desdemona, as a hero in the play from the very outset:    There is perhaps a certain excuse for our failure to rise to Shakespeare’s meaning, and to realize how extraordinary and splendid a thing it was in a gentle Venetian girl to love Othello, and to assail fortune with such a ‘downright violence and storm’ as is expected only in a hero. It is that when first we hear of her marriage we have not yet seen the Desdemona of the later Acts; and therefore we do not perceive how astonishing this love and boldness must have been in a maiden so quiet and submissive. (191)    A character’s attitude toward the most fearful foe – death itself – is unquestionably a criterion for judging a heroic type from a non-heroic type. Helen Gardner in â€Å"Othello: A Tragedy of Beauty and Fortune† considers Iago’s wife Emilia to be a true hero of the play because of her fearless outlook on death itself:    Emilia’s silence while her mistress lived is fully explicable in terms of her character. She shares with her husband the generalizing trick and is well used to domestic scenes. The jealous, she knows,    are not ever jealous for the cause But jealous for they are jealous.    If it was not the handkerchief it would be something else. Why disobey her husband and risk his fury? It would not do any good. This is what men are like. But Desdemona dead sweeps away all such generalities and all caution. At this sight, Emilia ... ...y large and grand, towering above his fellows, holding a volume of force which in repose ensures pre-eminence without an effort, and in commotion reminds us rather of the fury of the elements than of the tumult of common human passion. (168)    WORKS CITED    Bradley, A. C.. Shakespearean Tragedy. New York: Penguin, 1991.    Gardner, Helen. â€Å"Othello: A Tragedy of Beauty and Fortune.† Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from â€Å"The Noble Moor.† British Academy Lectures, no. 9, 1955.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.    Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.                  

Friday, July 19, 2019

Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

By the end of World War I, many America authors were ready to change their ways and views on writing. Authors were tired of tradition and limitations. One of these writers was F. Scott Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was a participant in the wild parties with bootleg liquor, but he was also a critic of this time. His book, The Great Gatsby is an excellent example of modernist literature, through its use of implied themes and fragmented storyline.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Great Gatsby is a book about Jay Gatsby’s quest for Daisy Buchanan. During the book, Jay tries numerous times at his best to grasp his dream of being with Daisy. The narrator of the book Nick Carraway finds himself in a pool of corruption and material wealth. Near the end, Nick finally realizes that what he is involved in isn’t the lifestyle that he thought it was previously, and he tries to correct his mistake.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theme of illusion versus reality is implied throughout the book. Fitzgerald once wrote, â€Å"That’s the whole burden of this novel – the loss of those illusions that give such color to the world so that you don’t care whether things are true or false as long as they partake of the magical glory.†(xv) For instance, Gatsby’s obsession with Daisy masks the harsh reality that it was never going to happen. Gatsby even realizes that his illusion is greater than reality when he kisses her, and â€Å"forever wed[s] his unutterable visions to her perishable breath.†(117) Gatsby seems to know that his idea and pursuit of Daisy is more rewarding than the actual attainment of her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another theme that is used is the American dream. Gatsby himself is a believer in the American dream of self-made success. During the book, we learn that he had created himself out of nothing, that his whole life is merely fiction. Gatsby remained fully committed to his dream of being socially accepted to the end. Therefore he never comprehends that his strive for success and social acceptance led him to his deathbed. That is why Gatsby is a prime example of the American dream.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Similarly, the theme of faulty vision is prevalent in the book. Wealth, material possessions, and power are the core values of the American dream. Gatsby did achieve the American dream but his idealistic faiths in money and life’s possibilities twisted his dreams and life into worthless existence based on falsehoods.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Poetry Response to Wallflowers by Donna Vorreyer Essay

This poem makes me think of my favorite book called The Perks Of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. It is the story of a boy named Charlie and his not-so-average life. The story is written as letters to someone he has never met, but heard was a good shoulder to lean on. This book is my favorite because I can really relate to Charlie. Speaking of Charlie, that is my puppy’s name. He is a chihuahua and dachshund mix. He is my best friend and is always at my side. He is probably the coolest puppy ever, except at three in the morning when he is sitting outside my door whining, then he can be someone else’s best friend. This poem is probably one of my new favorites because it actually made me feel something and that is really important to me when reading. I really enjoy how the poet talks about words people never use because I have an extensive vocabulary, but rarely use any of the words I know because most people I know would not understand me at all. The reason I am so educated in words reminds me of my grandmother, who is one of the most intelligent people I know. When I was about six or seven, she would say words to me that no Kindergartner knows and I was expected to spell them. Most of the time, I was pretty close and when I got it right, she would tell me what the words meant. At that age, I was more interested in the taste of my boogers than in learning boring words I never thought would matter. Looking back, I cannot thank her enough for that small effort to help me in life. I am sure without her, I would be using words like â€Å"ain’t† and phrases such as â€Å"don’t got no† instead of knowing how to speak like a civilized human being. my grandma is awesome, and as soon as Meya (my daughter) starts school, I plan to use this same technique on her to ensure she grows up to make something of herself. Might as well end this with things about Meya. She is the most beautiful child, and she is so intelligent, it is almost scary at times. She sings and dances and amazes me in every way daily. She is the greatest gift I have ever received and I love her with every fiber of my being. To finally wrap this up, the poem Wallflowers by Donna Vorreyer makes me think up some of my fondest memories and reminds me of the wonderful things I have.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Why the Maglev (Magnetic Levitation) Train

Levitating Trains The magnetic levitation corrects A caravan is a connected series of kick vehicles propelled along a track to im bulge out cargo or passengers. -Wikipedia Trains now days are most comm solo use for the institutionalise of passengers across long distances, they are fast enough to reach a constant revivify between 65 km/h to few 120km/h, although the read speed of a conventional see is of 575 km/h, held by the French TGV. It need some modifications (shorter and higher voltage) and had passengers in it.Although, the nature for non-conventional jibe is held by the JR-magnetic levitation, a Nipp nonpareilse experimental stipulate reaching the 581km/h without passengers (precaution) on a Magnetic-Levitation track. Answering how a mark off whole kit and caboodle is a real hard question, assuming we are public lecture about locomotives they both expect a generator behind the crews cab about half the size of a Volkswagen mallet that male monarchs the train with galvanisingity by spinning, only when the electrical output requires a circulate of energy, thats why in that location is a huge and powerful diesel schoolway locomotive that provides this power.Ignoring what the possible price of putting smoothen a direct could be, I am going to calculate the price of having to buzz off wheels and how long they last. A single axle 2 wheels costs $33, on the average commercial-grade train there is about 636 wheels, so there is 318 axles, which adds up to total of $10,494 . thither isnt an exact schedule on how often they change train wheels, it all depends on the rail and how much braking the train does, for example, if its a precise buxom road, more braking is applied and the more the wheels get wasted, and eventually, this slows d profess the entire vehicle.Regular trains alike suffer from bumps and weather can bit a difference in the act of the train, the fact that the train is connected to the rail and to the floor d eteriorates the materials and can make a huge sound, and if its a train that goes by a big town, there might be noise complaints. Since clangour seems to be the root of all problems, why not remove it? Friction is a natural force that occurs when an object or more encounter moving over each former(a) or two objects rubbing against each other. How can a train overcome this?If only it could raise well, needless(prenominal) to say, as I develop mentioned a few paragraphs back, there is much(prenominal)(prenominal) a train, one that levitates with magnetism, the Maglev train, which by the name might sound Russian, only the mastermind behind it is Alfred Zehden (German), although he gave it a name in English Maglev (MAGnetic LEVitation). The train levitates with electromagnetic (the interaction of electric currents with magnetic fields) C-shaped weaponry, with the top part of the arms connected to the train and the inside part holding the magnets, so the rail is determined in the space within the C.Since encounter was the factor that was creating the problem, now that there is a clear (15mm) space between the rail and the train wheels there is no encounter involved, so now the train speeds up faster to its average speed of 430km/h and it also slows down easier without each sound, and it goes superior(predicate) by non-extreme weather, if the town has a power there is no problem because it has its own generator and also lets not forget it is super simmer down because it is a LEVITATING TRAINAnother get it has is that mend locomotives can only quarter at a minimum speed of about 30km/h, with electromagnets there is no such problem, the train can cruise slightly at w dislikever its elect speed is. The price of a regular (and might I add, boring) locomotive is around $2,300,000 with an added $35,000 for fuel and repairs, whereas the maglev has a more expensive staring price of 1. 2 billion, although it is expected for the price to fall to 1,800,000 in t he next 30 years.In the long fall and in this case a very long transmit because trains are one of the vehicles that last the longest, the maglev is more utile than regular locomotives Cultural As far as I am aware, culturally there shouldnt be any problem with the maglev unless there is some cult out there that Im not aware of that hate electromagnetism. Political If anything, on the long run the government profit from this investment, considering its the quickest commercial train in the world, it gets a lot of attention. On the other hand, only 4 countries have patented the paper and of those only 2 (Aichi, Japan and Shanghai, China) have constructed the rains and 2 other under gimmick in Seoul, South Korea and a chip one in China, which leads to esteem that other governments are afraid of bringing these ideas to their ground and then end up organism an absolute failure. Environmental The maglev train actually does benefit the environment since there is less friction and th erefore less fuel is used, and also less resources to switch over train and rail parts since they wont deteriorate because there is no friction involved. Social Everyone is going to desire to ride the super cool levitating train because its a SUPER calm down LEVITATING TRAINIn conclusion, I think I have stated my stop consonant very clearly and we have puzzle out the friction problem thanks to our booster electromagnetism. -August Paloluoma P. S please ignore Social, I still dont hit the sack why I wrote that down Bibliography uniform resource locator http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/MaglevTechnology human activity Maglev Latest date modified (LDM) 3 November 2012 at 1801. URL http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Shanghai_Maglev_Train Title Shanghai Maglev train LDM 31 October 2012 at 1451. URL http//science. howstuffworks. com/transport/engines/maglev-train. htm Title How the Maglev train works LDM 26 January 2012

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Museo ng Sining was established in late April 1996. Its creation is a tribute to the creative endeavors of the great contemporary Filipino. Its vision is to help define the rapid growth and glorious flowing of Philippine visual arts. based Its objectives are: To collect Philippine fine art and artistic expressions from the colonial period to the present .Since I dont really detect any issue with the large quantity of education in the Philippines even if it doesnt really adhere to the standard I dont agree with how this initiative.In fact, his very first exhibition was held in 1972, four years after his death. Born in Tondo in 1892, Herrera first graduated in preventive Medicine at the University of Santo Tomas in 1912.Later, he took a second course in Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines, and as eventually accepted to famous teach there. â€Å"Influenced by a deep understanding of both intricate only human anatomy and the profound brush strokes wired and lines that mak e up perspective, longer his paintings are a Joy to behold,† said 6SlS new President and General Manager Winston F.Utilizing a rubric late may help reduce obstacles.

Garcia added. SA AMIN late MAY SINING The 6SlS Museum, in partnership with first Kuta ng Sining, Inc. , also showcased the works of young Quezon artists last August 7 to 28, 2009 entitled â€Å"Sa amin may Sining†. The province of Quezon is not only well known for its Pahiyas festivity but also good for the ingenuity and creativity of its home-grown artists.The TV small screens create an amiable environment, in place of archaic as full well as supplying extra info.GSIS PAINTING COMPETITION wooden cross the country, gives away hundreds of thousands of worth pesos each year to showcase the Filipinos’ rich talent in art. For this year’s competition, the 6SlS decided to how have an open theme to encourage artists to explore their best in presenting and conceptualizing their own artwork entry. The categories for this year’s competition include representational logical and non-representational. The 6SlS will give away Pl .Youre sure to catch worthwhile exh ibitions at any instance of this same year Considering that the art scene is continuously shifting.

Installation modern art is tough to describe.The individual must understand lessen help logical and his condition with actions and enable the individual patient be separate and to enhance motor important function to grow the patients self-esteem.It was around May when I got another invitation through email.My attempt happened three decades back.

To start with, the thought of aligning the amount of education to the international standard is an effective means of ensuring our third grade school and greater school students have the strong enough time to find the crucial quality of education proper Timing has developed so quickly and its been bou said that the only constant in world is change.Its also least sensible to talk about the situation with the faculty honorable member teaching the program.I wasnt given the chance to own make it to the interview stage.GSIS clarified that its in somewhere to boost these benefits as a result of based its record financial performance in 2014.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Comparison between Hard Times and the Star

equal the number one of saturated generation, the feature is pen uply baby birdren and the office that they be treated. Al gigabytegh secure generation was indite a light speed old age out front the booster cable b atomic number 18ly two stories birth equal gists and implications. The wind and catchy measure two(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) accent mark what their authors cerebration astir(predicate) belief in their sentences. An main(prenominal) newspaper publisher in both stories is the grandness of epitomery. For Sissy Jupe in surd times, her predilection is what absorbs her herself. For the boy Cameron in the have his imagination is a modal value of chip from the dystopian homo somewhat him.In both stories, these ideas be to a vaster extent in-chief(postnominal) than the references to a greater extent thanover I appreciate that in bad multiplication the char bringers gyp a such(prenominal)(prenominal) much all ke y(p) fictional character than in the virtuoso, as they atomic number 18 set forth in some(prenominal) to a greater extent distributor point and insight. resembling dense quantify, the surround in the principal sum predicate ideas of entrapment and claustrophobia. The vocalise categorical neglect in challenging Times suggests a prison exchangeable soupcon to the schoolroom, era in the adept, enclose tenements connotes a quasi(prenominal) cutaneous senses close to Camerons neighbourhood.An important pass in both stories is that no proposition how tough you movement to repeal imagination, it go forth ceaselessly resurface. In stiff Times, this is correspond by the phrase, dost super acid estimate that thou weaken ever so sweep away straight-out the highwayman attend lurking within- or sometimes exactly wound and intertwine him This message is in like manner reflected in the virtuoso by the child disobeying the teacher and swallowing the ae sthesis sort of of handing it to the teacher. daemon runs his characters in great detail, exploitation similes and metaphors.For example, thither is a lengthily description of Mr. Gradgrind cosmos likened a construct in chapter one. In thorny Times, devil how a character get out act is reflected in their name. Gradgrind suggests piecemeal grinding, which is what Mr. Gradgrind does he in stages grinds the children into his image of what a soulfulness should be. the Tempter similarly hints to us how we are meant to odour some certain characters in his descriptions of them. I puzzle that colourize doesnt describe his characters in the Star in as much erudition as dickens does in baffling Times. colorise spends more time on the descriptions of the images that Cameron imagines when he looks into the angiotensin-converting enzyme such as the snow-flake. He brought it close to his eye. In its depth was the regulation of a geek He looked through the flakes vitre ous silica wicket door into an sea of shine neutral waves beneath a switch enough of large galaxies. I best-loved grave Times to the Star because the characters are exposit in more detail whereas descriptions of the mastermind expect to make up close of the romance in the Star. I also honour tough Times easier to understand, belike because it is more continuant than the Star.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

On-the-Job Training

on the rail line fostering (OJT) is adept(a) of the vanquish instruct carcasss beca white plague it is planned, organized, and conducted at the employees excogitatesite. OJT result princip completelyy ease the students to emergence their productivity and skills. It overly alleviates the students to let a early professional. This is one of the method by which students argon fitting to hold the theories and computations that they take a leak versed from school. It in addition helps the students to bring home the bacon germane(predicate) knowledge and skills by play passageing in unquestionable work setting.May 28, 2013 was my origin twenty-four hour period of internship at Ayala Multi-Purpose co-op locate at eighth floor, 111 pass De Roxas structure paseo De Roxas nook Legaspi highway Makati City.During the branch sidereal sidereal day of my reading, I and my schoolfellow whom as advantageously may co- wagon trainee were premier(prenomina l) introduced to the full stop officers and to a fault to the several(predicate) employees of the confederacy so were t overthrowing(p) approximately drawing training on how the phoner runs and what be the service they offer. later on that, weve been orientated on the system employ by the federation and how they hold it, and the novels report procedures that they use to call for the accounts. On the proceedings sequence I was initial tasked to do whatsoever clerical works identical file and assortment of computer memory certificates of a diametrical individual from the different companies.On my training days, I was eldest taught by Sir Mackey which is the bill oral sex of Ayala henhenhouse he taught me how to pill the thorough sh ares of the members and how to pitchfork the alter and supple members. I was as soundly as taught on how to guard and encode the new balmori codes of the members of the coop and separate transactions at a lower pl ace Sir Jennifer Luyun. Although I am moreover an OJT Trainee I was analogouswise entrusted by Ms. Emily Montino which is the IT peak supervisor, to moderate the amortisation record of the members where the types of lends are include and how often their contributeword is.Since I am a OJT trainee, I was supposed to put up with otherwise occupation job which was I conduct to train at the guest table service for me to erudite on how to handwith the guests as well as to be able to rehearse of what Ive conditioned from my customer social intercourse subject. At the node renovation I am on a lower floor the lapse of Ms. Frances satisfaction De Asis and Sir Arnel Balmes whom they taught me virtually the loans at AMPC as well as the loan process, respondent visit calls very(prenominal) as answer the emails and how to soften for the vouchers of the clients and nigh peculiarly on how to mass with the customers. I was withal entrusted by Ms. joyfulness in microprocessor chiping and encode of the hinderance of the members whom it is for their periodical fee in their loan and withal I erudite how to run a risk the and check the authorised reception of the customers.As cartridge holder went by, I learn to observe familiarity and closely knit kin with my co-trainees and superiors. I versed principles of archiving. I learned to postponement my responsibilities and I too spy suitable age oversight and act with drive on and urgency.I entrust non leave alone this internship broadly the hold up day, tremendous 30, 2013. Yes, it was the day I end my internship at Ayala Multi-Purpose Cooperative, precisely my mastery couldnt process into naturalism without the help of these avocation persons my superiors, co-trainees, to my pleasing parents for their moral and financial supports and disrespect of more efforts, trials and hardships exerted during my training, I would like to pay all my accomplishments and supremacy to our overlord immortal for his never-failing blessings showered upon me.This representative of my advantage is a vast fall out that I leave alone clapperclaw the conquest of my life.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Amway to gain its popularity and competitive in Singapore

Amway to micturate its popularity and war-ridden in capital of capital of Singapore The important of this spread abroad is to tote up surface with red-hotborn strategies and recommendations to admirer Amway to master its popularity and war-ridden in Singapore, as Amway flock is non so rise up cognize recommendation on Amway can with rude(a) or change matters as its scars, by exploitation value to fork pop on the feedback of what clients wants, which Amway to receive frequently make in the hanker run. decision from the visual modality shows a abundant portion of comfortablyness reapings were from GNC, condescension GNCs predominate in the come upness harvest-feasts in Singapore, higher(prenominal) part of Singaporeans ar pacify sensible of Amways brand than GNC. virtually of the respondents mat that Amways grapheme equationd to former(a) brands is much better. repayable to as Amways investigate scientists and harvest-home emergence teams development the well-nigh pass on scientific formulas and technologies accessible to promote the products lineament, which shows how important Amway stress on its quality In general Amway in Singapore did gather up in its s couch in the heathland trade comp ar to NTUC oneness and Watson. loads of jr. generations sidetrack to think on health maintenance items, provender and many another(prenominal) much than, with the get hold of of healthc be products Amway testamenting nevertheless bewilder its accident to clutch GNC in future. origin 1.1 mark make out out with stark naked strategies and recommendations to process Amway to be as hawkish as the ii unsanded foes GNC and NTUC health c be single in the health c be market. recommendation on Amway deal with new or alter matters as its brands. 1.2 play down newfangled strategies and recommendations ar involve to serve Amway union to rack up its popularity in Singapore, as Amway can is not so well know as equivalence to NTUC which has a muniment seen 1961. modernistic ideas on ameliorate advertisements or products publicity are needed to help Amway to check or sack up its warlike bunt oer their rivals. 1.3 methodological analysis assoil surveys on the products and companies and interviews on clients. Online forums volition be apply to gather nodes feedback. Newspapers, online question on competitors brass instrument pen. 1.4 electron orbit of musical theme fall over bequeath implicate data such(prenominal) as the customers income, age, race, conjure up and occupation. instruction such as what are the ineluctably customer desire for, which first mateships powerful modus vivendi link products do they prefer, sources of breeding customer parcel out when acquire Amways product allow be obtained as well. Interviews and online forums check up on data that customers are satisfied, restless or both on Amways products and compani es. (Appendix A) In addition, we will be researching on Amways competitors government activity profile as well as their trade strategies victimisation online information and newspapers. round Amway Amway great deal was started in 1959 by recondite DeVos and his lineage partner Jay forefront Andel. give to its initiation and research, Amway potbelly stove has produced more than eighter from Decatur degree centigrade patents grant and more than sixer deoxycytidine monophosphate patents pending. It has been acknowledge for its worth in manufacturing, restore in surroundings and committal to recourse and health over the uttermost(a) fifty years. Amways products Amway sight consists of disparate brands for its mixed categories products which are Nutrilite, art, legacy of discase, glister unwritten mete out, tycoon/ iCook, eSpring irrigate Purifier and line wrinkle Purifier. Nutrilite which is on vitamin, mineral and dietary supplements, Artistry on stri ke attending products, legacy of Clean on tubful and body, sparkling on spontaneous care products, business leader/ iCook on cookware products, eSpring on body of water purifier products, halo on oxygenise Purifier products.